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5 Common Compliance Errors With USDOT

Apr 06, 2023
DOT Compliance
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Private businesses with truck drivers often run into issues with compliance. A single compliance error with USDOT (United States Department of Transportation) can cost you thousands of dollars and put your company’s schedule behind. Learn the five most common reasons a company may accidentally violate DOT regulations.

1. Drivers Without a Proper Medical Card

Every two years, commercial drivers must prove that they can receive a medical card showing their ability to safely operate a vehicle. From medications to recent diagnoses, each driver must honestly present their medical histories and current states to an approved medical professional. Driving with an expired or invalid medical card can result in a DOT violation.

2. Drivers Without Proper CDL

Another common DOT regulation often violated includes drivers without the proper CDL (commercial driver’s license). Just like you must maintain your personal driver’s license, letting a CDL go or allowing a driver on your team to operate without a valid CDL can induce a severe fine. At worst, you’ll have a driver and a truck put out of service entirely.

3. Problems With Random Drug Testing

Many truck driving companies do not properly conduct random drug testings on their drivers. Some common issues here include:

  • Giving prior notice of an upcoming random drug test
  • Scheduling a driver, then sending a different one instead
  • Attempting to perform a mass drug testing at the end of the year

This type of compliance error with USDOT not only affect how your company functions, but puts you at risk of violating further regulations. Developing a testing program with a third party administrator can help you keep drug testing random and ensure no one finds out beforehand.

4. Improper Hours of Service Management

Drivers must work during certain hours and cannot work after a certain amount of allotted hours. To ensure this, the DOT requires drivers to report their hours of service and have them available during a DOT inspection. Drivers working overly long hours or forgetting to log their time can fail their inspection, with too many failed inspections resulting in putting the driver and their truck out of service.

5. Improper Background Checks

Commercial vehicle companies must check that new drivers have a clean history, including seeking out information on past accidents, safety violations, and drug and alcohol testing results. Many employers don’t look far enough back - three years, in regards to DOT. Failing to do so may result in accidentally hiring dangerous drivers.

Stay Compliant and On the Road With FMCA Filings

Breaking USDOT regulations results in high fees and issues maintaining a safe, effective trucking company. Many companies have trouble staying on top of the ever-changing rules and regulations for truck drivers and commercial vehicles, making it important to rely on third party administrators for assistance. At FMCA Filings, we help commercial driving companies maintain their compliance and steer clear of accidental or purposeful DOT or FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) violations. 

Contact us today to learn more about how FMCA Filings, the DOT compliance group that can help you avoid every compliance error with USDOT.

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