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Complying With DOT Decal Requirements: 6 Tips

2024-03-21 20:21:00
DOT Regulations
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The Department of Transportation and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration maintain strict safety requirements for businesses that move cargo or passengers on our nation’s highways. One requirement is to display certain information on the vehicle. Complying with these DOT decal requirements ensures that your company can avoid costly fines and may manage clean roadside inspections. 

In the trucking industry, knowing the requirements for DOT decals and using the FMCSA compliance checklist can help you stay on top of this simple requirement. Below are a few tips to help you master the prevailing DOT decal guidelines.

Why Do You Need Decals on Your Trucks?

Your company’s trucks need to display several decals on their exterior. These stickers serve multiple purposes, including:

  • Allowing authorities to collect and monitor safety information about a driver or carrier 
  • Informing authorities at a glance that the vehicle is up-to-date on required inspections and registrations
  • Tracking driver and carrier performance and compliance 
  • Indicating that the vehicle complies with basic maintenance requirements 

In no small measure, affixing the appropriate decals to a vehicle indicates that the motor carrier has the authority to operate on public roads. Part of the reason is that to acquire the decals, companies must file the appropriate permits and submit documentation. Decals prove the carrier had the proper insurance and registrations to meet all the necessary safety requirements set down by the national road authorities.

How to Comply With DOT Identification Rules for Decals

On the flip side, not following the DOT decal requirements could mean fines, citations, and CSA penalties. You may even need to pull the truck off the road while you correct the violations, which is a sure way to drain hard-earned profits.

To prevent those consequences, follow these tips:

#1 Display DOT Numbers on Both Sides of the Cab 

DOT sticker specifications indicate that the DOT number and motor carrier numbers must appear on the cab’s driver and passenger sides. Most companies put these stickers on their truck doors. A conspicuous location won’t obscure any part of the DOT number from view.

#2 Affix the Decal Directly to the Truck 

It is against DOT decal requirements to apply stickers to any removable part of the truck, including the trailer and fuel tank cover. Applying stickers to the cab door ensures compliance with this rule. Other decals, like the fuel tax, annual inspection, and registration stickers, can go on the left side of the cab.

#3 Make the DOT Decal Letters Visible 

DOT identification decal rules indicate that stickers must be visible from 50 feet away during the day. Make the lettering two inches tall (in some states, the minimum is four inches) and an easy-to-read font. Contrast it with the truck’s paint (for example, white lettering on a black truck).

#4 Include the Required DOT Information 

Decal compliance for DOT inspections includes having all the required information on the exterior of your truck. For instance, you’ll need stickers to identify: 

  • The truck operator
  • The DOT number with the required state abbreviation
  • The GVW or GVWR

Note that some stickers have spaces to add specific information before putting them on the truck. For example, the inspector or operator must complete the annual inspection sticker with the Vehicle Identification Number, DOT number, and inspection date.

#5 Check State Requirements Regarding DOT Decals

Some states have specific decal requirements. For example, California and Colorado require the decal to include the last eight digits of the VIN on the DOT decal, while other states like Texas require both a state and USDOT number on every commercial vehicle. Double-check the requirements in the state where you register the truck for local rules. 

#6 Invest in Quality Decals 

Decals that fade, peel, or come off the truck can get you into hot water with inspectors and law enforcement. Investing in high-quality stickers ensures that the required information stays put on your truck and remains visible to authorities. Work with a printer or decal production company that understands US DOT and FMCSA regulations to produce durable stickers that follow all the basic rules.

Decals, Compliance, and Simplifying Permit Filings With Assistance From FMCA Filings 

These tips should make applying DOT decals guidelines more straightforward. Putting the correct decals on your trucks helps distinguish your operation as legitimate and in compliance with legal and safety standards. In the event of a problem, legible and fully visible decals can help resolve disputes and ensure accurate reporting, among other benefits.

Do you need help acquiring a USDOT number or making any other critical filings for your commercial trucking enterprise? FMCA Filings can streamline the process of securing and retaining permits and compliance via our online portal. Our Live Chat agents can also answer questions about DOT decal requirements, a DOT number for dispatchers, and anything else you’d like to know about trucking compliance

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