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What You Need to Know About DOT Background Check Requirements

2024-06-21 19:00:00
DOT Compliance
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Compliance is a must for all roles within the transportation industry. Therefore, logistics companies filling open positions should ensure candidates possess the skills and background necessary to work safely. If you plan on hiring someone new, you must conduct a DOT background check to ensure they can safely operate their vehicle. 

These checks are an essential part of the FMCSA compliance checklist. At Federal Motor Carrier Authority Filings, we aim to help companies comply with each checklist point. We will help you understand DOT background checks below for better compliance. 

What Are DOT Background Checks?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has an exhaustive list of requirements that all commercial vehicle operators must follow. The agency requires that trucking companies perform Department of Transportation background checks on potential job candidates to ensure they meet their minimum requirements and have a safe driving history. 

These checks work similarly to average background checks for other industries and companies that aim to maintain safe workspaces. However, federal background check standards are much higher than the average workplace. Therefore, commercial driver background checks typically probe much deeper. 

What Do DOT Background Checks Involve?

If you’re familiar with the average background check, you know it taps into a candidate’s recent criminal history, whether they have any concerning felonies, and other issues pertinent to industry and company security. A Department of Transportation screening looks at similar aspects. 

However, it also dives deep into:

  • Driving history: First and foremost, you should know about a candidate’s overall driving record before hiring. You can obtain a detailed report from your state’s DMV. It includes the past three years' safety scores, infractions, and other events.
  • Substance use: Countless employers require substance use tests, but DOT screening regulations also seek instances where a candidate refused to take a test. You can also find out about test failures. 
  • Medical status: Driving trucks demands drivers remain alert, engaged, and prepared to react thoughtfully. While many industries and positions can accommodate various health concerns, a truck-driving position requires someone who can hear and see while responding to situations quickly. 
  • Past employers: If you interview a driver because of their previous experience, you’ll want to verify that they possess it. A DOT employment verification supplies records about their employment with other companies. 
  • Current driving skills: Finally, you need to see the candidate in action before offering the position. A final road test allows them to demonstrate their skills in real time before wrapping up the DOT background check. 

Performing a DOT Background Check

As an employer in the trucking industry, you want safe, qualified drivers manning your truck fleet. You must also comply with state and federal consent laws to ensure the check’s legality. How do you go about the DOT background check process?

  1. Determine what driver data you need. For example, you may need drivers within a specific class. Therefore, you’d only check information that applies to that class.
  2. Keep candidates informed. Let them know going in that you need consent for a background check. Make sure your human resources department understands local and national laws surrounding background checks or work with a third-party agency. 
  3. The DOT has specific regulations for substance screenings. Conduct a test that complies with these regulations. You might also use breathalyzers to detect alcohol levels during the hiring process. 
  4. Accompany the candidate during a road test. Choose the type of vehicle they’ll drive to conduct the test. Put them through similar obstacles they may encounter during transit. 

When to Expect the Results

Result availability varies depending on:

  • The process’s thoroughness
  • The type of materials transported
  • The type of vehicle used
  • Whether the route stays within one state or crosses state lines
  • Whether you conduct the check internally or choose a service provider

Some employers get results within a business week. Others may wait a month or two before receiving them. Remember, while you are eager to add more manpower to your trucking company, you must prioritize safety and security to protect your company’s reputation, performance, and compliance. 

Why Transportation Companies Should Perform Background Checks

You might wonder whether you can skip the check altogether. Most positions within the transportation industry require some level of deep dive into candidates. Truckers or drivers carrying passengers must undergo background checks before beginning their positions. 

These checks ensure that each driver has the experience to navigate unpredictable roadways. They also prevent candidates with spotty records and dubious safety adherence from getting behind the wheel. Ultimately, conducting them protects your business legally and other vehicle operators from destructive, avoidable incidents. 

FMCA Filings Simplifies Compliance for Companies and Drivers 

Any driver or trucking company can use FMCA Filings to effortlessly access, update, and maintain their records for a DOT background check. Our system informs users about upcoming filings while allowing data changes across the board when needed. We can also inform you about compliance topics like Lighting requirements. Reach out today to learn more. 

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